Planning of Research programs
Research may be deferred until the new MPRRA building is fully ready, laboratories are operational and the second stage training consultant (SSTC) is to be in place. The infrastructure related to research will be fully developed during the 2018-19. However, other aspects like developing business, technical rules and procedures for research will be undertaken by the SSTC.
Some of the areas that will consider for research in the longer term are:
- Construction of low cost roads using locally available materials
- Soil stabilization using local materials
- Identification, classification, test and mapping of locally available materials
- Industrial wastes as construction materials (Slag, fly ash etc.)
- Construction and maintenance of roads in heavy rainfall and arid regions
- Rural roads in hilly areas
- Low cost cross drainage structure
- Recycling of materials
- Asset management of rural roads
- Labour based methods for construction and maintenance
- Pavement performance prediction models for determining rate of deterioration of pavements
- Low cost, erosion control and drainage measures
- Pre- cast technologies for small CD structures (culverts), and pre-cast side drain systems
- Cold and warm asphaltic concrete mixes
- Composite construction technology in rural roads
- Traffic patterns and growth including accident black spot analysis
- Impacts of local resident’s hindrance, i.e. due to drainage diversion etc.